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High-frequency transformer skeleton design should pay attention to what aspects?
  High-frequency transformer skeleton structure design, should be based on customer drawings or samples, coupled with their own design experience, try to 3D model design, to avoid 2D drawings and modify the defects, and then gradually modify, and eventually finalized. If the customer design is unreasonable, should take the initiative to propose with the customer technical staff to re-confirm the skeleton structure. Skeleton in the design, we should pay attention to the following aspects:
  1. Raw materials to meet the customer's process and requirements, must be based on the characteristics of the material skeleton design. Generally with reference to the yellow card to confirm the skeleton wall thickness; at the same time with the yellow card shows the temperature, and customer process baking and solder temperature for comparison, whether to meet the customer's process conditions.
  2. Metal pins, can successfully pass or paste the client's PCB board, the general use of iron (steel) needle more. For customers with special requirements of the pin has a better conductivity of the situation, need to consider the use of copper and other conductive materials better.
  3. At present, RoHS, halogen-free, SVHC and other environmental requirements more and more urgent, the selection of materials at the same time to meet these requirements.
  4. Must meet the high-frequency transformer model requirements, dimensions need to be smaller than the transformer finished product size.
  5. Core hole with the core size of the core, generally larger than the upper limit of the magnetic core; fixed core of the blade is generally lower than the inner diameter of the core tolerance is smaller. The purpose of this design is to facilitate the follow-up wear mold. Posts type skeleton in order to meet the customer's automatic winding operation in the elastic requirements (loose with the loose process will make the skeleton off, tightly the operator is difficult to insert or pull out), core and wire fixture With the tolerance should be controlled at 0.05 or so.
  6. The cableway is the wire path of the copper wire. At the same time, in order to avoid the damage in the production, the pin is broken, the sand is jammed. Therefore, the width of the trough is taken into consideration: the diameter of the copper wire Edge wall thickness, burr processing sand size. Under normal circumstances, over the trough for bigger, so you can avoid sand, but also to facilitate customers over the copper wire, but after the trunking, the remaining pinhole edge thickness will be too small, easy to produce pin Cracked feet.
  7. Pinhole should not be too deep, the bottom of the pinhole wall thickness to ensure that more than 0.5mm, to avoid the pin when the insertion or insertion hole defective.
  8. Need to do R-angle transition, in addition to increasing the intensity to prevent damage, but also to improve the production of some of the problems. Especially the edge of the trunking slot, to prevent the outer layer of the insulating coating of copper wire scratched; core hole edge can facilitate the insertion of the core; around the tube can increase the strength of the blade.
  9. Need to design the anti-reverse structure of the pin to the best bump effect, so that the corresponding direction in the runway to increase the groove and the corresponding bump, to avoid the product caused by the wrong feet wrong.
  10. High wall or larger leaves of the skeleton, need to design stripping slope, easy to produce mold release.
  11. When the skeleton has a matching lid, attention should be paid to the size of the mating parts.
  12. Piece type skeleton bobbin in the middle of the blade, should be designed to hook the corresponding to prevent the wire when the wire is not in place; leaves should also design the gap, so that the needle through the smooth.
  13. The best design of the mouth of the mouth of the gap, depending on the size of the skeleton, the general depression of the gap 0.5-1.0mm. This can avoid the residual material when the material is expected to affect the product size. If the gap can not be designed, increase the grinding of the feed inlet fixture to meet the size requirements.
  14. Thick wall thickness of the plastic skeleton, should be designed in the plastic place more than the gap, try to ensure uniform wall thickness, to avoid serious shrinkage phenomenon.
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